Hi all! Quick update. I was recently contacted by a journalist working for Cure Magazine. If you are not familiar, they focus on cancer and all the intricacies behind it. They publish quarterly issues focused on particular cancer related topics. I was contacted to get my patient perspective for their "Rare Cancers" issue. My stomachless friend Karissa was also interviewed, as well as our surgeon at the NIH. Small world when it comes to rare cancers I guess! Karissa and I both had photoshoots paid for by Cure Magazine in order to have photos in the article, so that was an interesting experience. When I was talking with Dr. Davis about the article and the photoshoot, he being the sarcastic guy that he is, said, "I wonder why they didn't give me a photoshoot?! Is it because I'm bald?"
Anyway, I am posting the link to the e-version of the article. I have signed up to receive the paper version as well, so hopefully I will get a copy to save.
Here is the article link: Cure Today
In other news, I have written another guest blog for the Firefly Sisterhood, which should be published this month I believe. So, things are happening, I just haven't been the greatest about updating THIS blog.
Gus is growing like a weed. Work is going well, still working from home which is really nice.
My latest 6-month oncology checkup, maintenance infusion (Zometa), and monthly injection (Lupron) went well. My oncologist says the further out from treatment and diagnosis I get, the more likely I am to be "cured," so although I am cautiously optimistic, it was exciting to hear that from an oncology professional! Here's to 3-years and counting :)
Hope you are all well and enjoying your summer.
Take care,