Seahorse Buddy Program Signup
Seahorses don't have stomachs. So, just like a lot of individuals with the CDH1 mutation, the seahorse understands our struggles and has become our mascot.
Looking for a Seahorse Buddy?: Are you newly diagnosed with the CDH1 mutation? Are you a new seahorse (stomachless), or planning to be, and looking for personalized support from a seahorse who is further along in their journey? Please fill out the Seahorse Buddy Request Submission Form below, and click submit. Your information will then go into a buddy match list and we will match you with your very own seahorse buddy who has graciously volunteered to help you succeed in your recovery.
Looking to Volunteer to be a Seahorse Buddy?: Are you a veteran seahorse? Have you made it through your recovery from TG and are now thriving? Are you ready to provide emotional and educational support to someone who could use your experience and expertise to help them in their own journey? Please fill out the Seahorse Buddy Volunteer Submission Form below, and click submit. Your information will then go into a buddy match list and we will match you with someone who has requested a buddy like you!
Please note that your buddy is not here to provide medical advice, but to be a source of social, informational, and emotional support. The information provided in this form is voluntary and therefore not protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Information will only be used to match you with a buddy, and will only be shared with your assigned buddy. Fill out as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with, but know, the more information we have, the better matches we will be able to make.
We will try our best to create awesome matches, but it may take a little bit of time, so just know we are working on it.
If you have questions, please email mypinkgenes@gmail.com.
Please note this program is currently only available to CDH1 positive folks, and those seeking, or those who have had a total gastrectomy. If you do not fit both of these criteria, please contact your medical team for possible additional supports.
Seahorse Buddy Volunteer Submission Form
Fill out this form if you are willing and able to provide emotional and educational support to someone requesting additional support in their seahorse journey.
Seahorse Buddy Request Submission Form
Fill out this form if you are newly diagnosed with CDH1, planning your total gastrectomy, or have had your total gastrectomy but are looking for extra support.